Dr. Christian M. Meyer

Interactive Summarization of Large Document Collections

Benjamin Hättasch, Christian M. Meyer und Carsten Binnig:
Interactive Summarization of Large Document Collections. In: Proceedings of the SIGMOD Workshop on Human-In-the-Loop Data Analytics (HILDA), Juli 2019. Amsterdam, Niederlande.


author = {Hättasch, Benjamin and Meyer, Christian M. and Binnig, Carsten},

title = {{Interactive Summarization of Large Document Collections}},

booktitle = {Proceedings of the SIGMOD Workshop on Human-In-the-Loop Data Analytics},

month = {July},

year = {2019},

location = {Amsterdam, The Netherlands},

language = {English},

pdf = {https://chmeyer.de/research/publications/sigmod-hilda2019/pdf/},

url = {https://chmeyer.de/research/publications/sigmod-hilda2019/}


Interactive setup of Sherlock.
Interactive setup of Sherlock.